Lower Snake River Dam Removal

Thank you for taking the time to act on this issue. As endangered salmon and steelhead grow closer to extinction with every passing year, this major keystone species of the Pacific Northwest threatens collapse. Standing in the way of their recovery are four concrete walls in the river.

The four lower four Snake River dams, built in the 1960s and 70s, have long been viewed as valuable sources of energy, transportation, and irrigation for the region. Now, as the dams have well exceeded their useful lifespans, we fully understand the problems they engender. Seventeen million dollar's worth of band-aids have been placed on salmon and steelhead recovery, and yet populations continue to plunge. Another few decades following current trends will see the extinction of a cultural, ecological, and economic cornerstone of the Pacific Northwest.

There is a clear solution to the problem: we must free the Snake River. By removing the lower four Snake River dams, we will return the river to its natural free-flowing state and restore precious salmon habitat. This is not only possible, but more sustainable. Alternative forms of infrastructure, such as solar and wind power, are more economically beneficial and ecologically viable. The science is clear, now the cultural and political side of the argument has to be won.

Your participation in this letter campaign is invaluable in this fight to free the Snake River. Every letter sent makes a difference. Lawmakers pay close attention to the mail they receive, because they know their reelection depends on their constituents. By contacting your political leaders, you are letting them know that you will not stand for the extinction of salmon and steelhead. That this is where we draw the line. That the people stand with the salmon and steelhead. Together we can build the movement.

Thank you for taking action.

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