County to Oppose Solar on Prime Soils in the Ag Reserve

How we use our prime agricultural lands matters. Flat, sunny, well drained soils are at a premium. Despite a compromise allowing solar in the Ag Reserve on non-prime soils as a conditional use in 2021, 2 solar projects are now applying to the state to end run the County's protections for prime soils in the Ag Reserve. All while solar companies inflate land values, putting acreage further out of reach for the new, diverse crop of local farmers.

2 solar projects have applied directly to the MD Public Service Commission (PSC) for approval of their 4-5 mw facilities in the Reserve - on prime farm soils in contradiction to the County’s zoning provisions.

The PSC must give "due consideration" to the recommendation of the governing body of the area where these large scale grids are placed - in this case the County Council and County Executive.

Our local leaders are empowered to make the case for the Ag Reserve's zoning and county master plan and oppose this proposal and a strong letter to the PSC from the Council and Executive has been drafted to do just that. The Council will vote on this letter on Tuesday and it is expected to pass.

Please click "start writing" to personalize a message urging passage of the letter and thanking our Councilmembers for upholding our master plan. And Thanks!

Much more background here.

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