Mayor Nutter - Don't Shield Comcast!

Dear friend - tell Mayor Michael Nutter to stop shielding Comcast, and release the results of a major study of their service in Philadelphia, now. Read below, and enter your address to get started.
Thousands of city residents took the time, over a year ago, to inform the City on our experiences with our Comcast services - anticipating that the City would use what we said in a once-in-a-generation "franchise" negotiation with Comcast. We have expected the report for months - and now is the time to make the report public, and to begin these urgent franchise negotiations in earnest.
With a deal this big - affecting every Philly resident, and vital city institutions - our voices need to be represented in the process. We can't advocate for the fair rates, or the resources our city needs and deserves, until the needs assessment is out. The public deserves to see the needs assessment before the City even considers renewing Comcast's contract.
Tell Mayor Nutter: please start this negotiation by releasing the needs assessment now, and bring the public into this once-in-a-generation debate.