More Exceptions to Sound Planning in MoCo- Take Action Today!
This just in - can you write quick email by 7/10?
Clarksburg Stage 4 -Ten Mile Creek -developers seek more exceptions to standing policies to maximize size of projects... in this case adequate school capacity. Adequate school capacity is the metric that limits development to a size that schools can handle to prevent school overcrowding. This is happening as school officials are scrambling to find around 65 square feet per student to open schools safely under Covid regulations next month.
This affects folks in Clarksburg but more broadly... where else will these exceptions be given? To what affect on important public interest policies such as adequate infrastructure and environmental protection (per recently recommended exception to impervious surface limits requested by the same (Ashford Woods) developer?
A very last minute proposal has been added for the Planning Board's consideration at the SSP schools work session that occurred on Thursday 7/2. Though this first meeting has happened, your emails matter!
Potential Moratorium Exception: Staff offers the following potential moratorium exception language for the Board’s consideration based on a suggestion from work session #1 to allow borrowing from nearby or adjacent schools:
S4.1.3 Nearby Capacity When a moratorium is imposed in a Greenfield Impact Area, the Planning Board may nevertheless approve a subdivision in the subjected area if a school located within ten network miles of the subdivision (at the same level as any school causing the moratorium) has a projected utilization rate in the current Annual School Test of no more than 110% (and less than a 55-seat deficit if at the elementary school level; less than a 90-seat deficit if at the middle school level).
Please take a minute to add your name to a letter - thanks for your support!