No budgets dependent on crime-- end fine and fee dependence

The Delaware legislature is considering a series of bills– Senate Bills 282, 283, and 284 and House Bill 391– that will eliminate many of the inefficient, unreliable, and cruel fees that are tacked onto convictions in our court system. In Delaware, a run-of-the-mill misdemeanor can run hundreds of dollars purely because of fees added for the sole purpose of funding government infrastructure. The Public Defender’s Office represents approximately 85% of all Delaware defendants– we’re trying to collect money from those least able to afford it. And as crime has gone down around the country and in the First State, the vital government infrastructure funded through these fees suffers. Tell your legislators that the time for change is now.
The fees in Delaware’s criminal court system aren’t about accountability. They are hidden taxes, surcharges added to violations that are used to fund essential services. They disproportionately impact low income Delawareans and communities of color – and when added to minor infractions, they can turn a small mistake into a lifetime of debt and poverty.
Let your legislators know that you believe it’s time to provide stable revenues for public services and end Delaware‘s dependence on unjust fees.