No Northern Access Pipeline
NYS Governor Cuomo and our Department of Environmental Conservation said NO to NAPL, yet National Fuel Gas Co. refuses to take NO for an answer.
Now we need to take this to the Federal level: The Army Corps of Engineers.
It seemed for quite some time that no news was good news for the Northern Access Pipeline Project, but once again National Fuel is moving forward. With gas prices tanked, it seems crazy to move ahead with a major pipeline investment, but two recent losses tell us that it is time to TAKE ACTION once again.
Will you please help out? We are asking that you send letters to the Army Corps requesting that they NOT issue the 404 Permit for this 97 mile fracked gas pipeline project that would trench across 192 Western NY streams. Please find directions below.
We know public opinion matters. Army Corps let us know that they received 800 letters during our last round over a year ago. They need to know that we haven’t given up and haven’t gone away. Let’s top that number. Please send your letters/message. Then share this widely among your contacts.
Let’s once again make our voices heard! No Northern Access Pipeline!