No Sabra at Willy Street

Sabra is a US-based company which produces middle eastern-style food products including hummus. It is jointly owned by PepsiCo and the Strauss Group, an Israeli multinational food and beverage corporation known for providing funding and support to the Israeli military Golani and Givati brigades.

Both are notorious for their human rights violations and war crimes in Lebanon and Occupied Palestine, as documented by Amnesty International and Human Rights watch. And both  have participated in the ongoing genocide in Gaza.  For more information on Sabra visit Boycott Campaign:Sabra

Willy Street Co-op currently carries Sabra hummus at the Northside store, but you can help change that!

The Co-op structure provides for member input on product selection. The Co-op will open a comment period once requests are received from one percent of  it's active members.

We need about 330 member requests to reach this goal, and we believe we can win this.  

UPDATE:  We are half-way there!!  The co-op has let us know that we have about 150 letters from members representing separate memberships, so we are half-way there!!  

The Willy Street Co-op stores are valued and beloved local grocery stores, and they already carry  several alternative brands of hummus,  including local options.  We believe they'll hear the message that a local grocery store is no place for Genocide.

Please help by writing to Willy Street and asking that Sabra be removed from the shelves due the company's involvement in the ongoing genocide in Palestine. BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOUR CO-OP MEMBERSHIP NUMBER, and be sure that your membership is active by making a purchase with your membership within the last year so that your request will count towards the 1%  of active members.  Only one request per membership number will be accepted.

If you are not a co-op member you can still help!! Let the co-op know that you'd like to become a member, as soon as Sabra is off the shelves, or consider starting a membership so that you can make a request and  them know you will drop it if they don't remove Sabra.

Coming together to take Sabra off the Willy Street Co-op's shelves is a real and concrete act of solidarity with the civilian population of Palestine. Consumer boycotts are a time-honored form of non-violent action. They allow us to vote with our wallets, and let corporations know what we won't tolerate. The people of Palestine desperately need us to use the power of our purchasing choices now to support their right to existence.