NO to 2 Billion more for DHS

Defund CBP

Dear friends,

Earlier this month, the White House sent a request to Congress for supplemental funding for the last three months of 2023 which included more than two billion additional dollars for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

This funding would create new, and misleadingly named, “community-based residential centers” that would essentially reinstate a new form of family detention, increase funds for harmful surveillance and data sharing, and facilitate the rapid deportations of migrants exercising their legal right to seek asylum.

Send a letter to your Congressmember and demand: NO MORE money in our name to intentionally harm immigrants and border communities.

We're so grateful for your support, and a better world is possible where we spend billions instead on taking care of communities instead through housing, healthcare, education and so much more!

In community,
The Defund Hate Campaign

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