Oppose House Bills Attacking Honesty in Education

On September 15th, the Ohio House returns to session.
Their return means the House State and Local Government Committee could call for testimony hearings on HB 322 & 327 at any time. PREPARE YOUR TESTIMONY NOW.

In the days and weeks ahead, we must continue educating our families, friends, communities, and colleagues about the pending legislation. AND we must encourage them to prepare opponent testimony. We need ALL voices telling legislators WHY THESE BILLS MUST NOT PASS!

Our friends over at Honesty For Ohio Education are partnering with Kahlil Greene, Yale University student and "Gen Z Historian", to post a video about Honesty in Education. The video will end with an "ask" to share OUR work for Ohio.

We need your help to make our message VIRAL!


Follow HFOE on Instagram NOW

Watch Kahlil's video
Don't forget to LIKE, Comment & SHARE

Email video to House State and Local Government Committee

Include a comment about why
Honesty in Education is important
Click on the red "Start Writing" link to get started!

Be sure to follow Ohio Student Association on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, to stay up to date on the fight against these bills.