Oppose "Pay to Protest" Legislation in Pennsylvania

Since Donald Trump's election, over 19 states have proposed legislation aimed at preventing large-scale protests (link and link).

In Pennsylvania, that effort is being led by Senator Martin of Lancaster County.  He bases his argument on the financial costs to the government of the Dakota Access Pipeline resistance and has stated that the goal of his legislation is to prevent violent protests that may occur in response to the protests again pipeline construction in Lancaster County.  

However, the law would apply to any protest, regardless of location in PA, size, or purpose where someone is arrested, even if the arrest is for non-violent disobedience or trespassing.  (Read more here)

It's potentially-sweeping application threatens even those of us who choose to protest peacefully, or who find themselves at a protest where people are pursuing non-violent direct actions.  This legislation must be stopped.  Please write your representative today and ask that they oppose SB 754.