Palestine Solidarity: Divest Now Grand Rapids!

A photo of the Blue Bridge in Grand Rapids MI. Black text reads "Palestine Solidarity: Divest Now, Grand Rapids!"
GR People's History Project

We in Grand Rapids can make a difference in Palestine! Write your letter now to tell the City Commission to end its contract with Granicus (digital communications) and other companies that profit from the Israeli system of apartheid and acts of genocide!

Summary: After receiving input from community members and conducting thorough research and deliberation, the Community Relations Committee of the City of Grand Rapids has drafted and proposed a resolution regarding the ongoing conflict in Palestine. This resolution, which upholds the City Commission's history of signaling its stance against racism and inhumane treatment, would terminate the city's contracts with those companies that directly support the Israeli government's actions against Palestinians, which have caused over 30,000 deaths, including over 14,000 children. Under this resolution, the City of Grand Rapids would also refrain from engaging in future business with such entities using taxpayer dollars.

The specific companies mentioned are:

  • Granicus: digital communications
  • Downtown Grand Rapids Inc (DGRI) because of their partnership with Amazon, which provides cloud and AI support to the Israeli military.
  • Caterpillar, Motorola solutions, Hewlett-Packard, and G4S Corporation. Though the City of Grand Rapids may not have contracts at this time with these companies, this resolution would prohibit future contracts until the ongoing genocide against Palestinians is dismantled.
Read the full letter from the committee chair and the resolution below, then click through to sign!


Letter from the Community Relations Committee Chair

Mayor Rosalynn Bliss and City Manager Mark Washington
300 Monroe NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Dear Mayor Bliss and City Manager Washington:

I am writing to you on behalf of the Community Relations Commission regarding a matter of utmost importance: our city's involvement with companies that contribute to the ongoing conflict in Palestine. After receiving input from community members and conducting thorough research and deliberation, we strongly recommend that the attached resolution be promptly reviewed and considered.

First and foremost, it is imperative to emphasize that this suggested resolution is not a request for divestiture. Rather, it calls for a cessation of business dealings with companies that directly support the war, as well as a commitment to refrain from engaging in future business with such entities using taxpayer dollars. Our intention is to uphold moral principles and stand in solidarity with those affected by the violence and injustice in Palestine.

The genesis of this resolution lies in the unwavering values of our community, which reject racism, discrimination, and inhumane treatment in all forms. The escalating crisis in Palestine, resulting in the loss of thousands of innocent lives, including many children, has deeply resonated with our residents. We cannot stand idly by while such atrocities unfold, particularly when members of our own community are directly impacted by these tragic events.

Furthermore, it is important to recognize the precedent set by our city when it comes to addressing issues of dire significance, even if they extend beyond our local borders. We have consistently taken a proactive approach to championing causes that affect our citizens, regardless of whether they are of local, national, or international concern. This commitment to prioritizing the well-being and voices of our community members is a cornerstone of our governance.

In light of the foregoing, we suggest that the attached resolution be passed by the City of Grand Rapids to affirm our stance and make our community's voices heard.

We believe that by adopting this resolution, we can demonstrate our unwavering support for justice, peace, and human rights, both within our community and beyond. Thank you for considering this matter with the gravity it deserves, and for your continued dedication to serving the best interests of all residents of Grand Rapids.


Justine Bryant, Chair
Community Relations Commission
City of Grand Rapids

Proposed Resolution

WHEREAS the City of Grand Rapids, through its City Commission, has unequivocally established its stance against racism, discrimination, and inhumane treatment;

WHEREAS the residents of the City of Grand Rapids uphold values of equality and justice, vehemently opposing any form of racism, discrimination, and inhumane treatment, and advocating for their eradication wherever they occur;

WHEREAS the policies and practices of the Israeli government, particularly its legally sanctioned form of racism and apartheid in the occupation of Palestine and treatment of Palestinians, have been deemed illegal on an international scale;

WHEREAS the recent escalation of conflict in Gaza, resulting in the tragic loss of over 30,000 Palestinian lives, including 14,350 children, represents a reprehensible violation of human rights and the principles of warfare;

WHEREAS the profound suffering inflicted upon Palestinians, including the loss of loved ones and homes, directly impacts many members of the Palestinian community in Grand Rapids;

WHEREAS it is incumbent upon the global community to exert pressure on the Israeli government to cease hostilities in Gaza and pursue a just and lasting resolution that respects the rights and dignity of Palestinians, while safeguarding Israel's security interests;

WHEREAS Granicus, a partner with Amazon, provides technological support utilized by the Israeli military in targeting Palestinians, and is also utilized by the Grand Rapids City Government;

WHEREAS the allocation of city funds to businesses supporting the Israeli government, or its affiliates, could be interpreted as endorsing the Israeli government's policies and actions towards Palestinians;

WHEREAS the City of Grand Rapids acknowledges that the use of public funds should prioritize the welfare and interests of its citizens;

WHEREAS the City of Grand Rapids supports Jewish people, abhors antisemitism, and recognizes that Israel has the right to exist as a sovereign nation; therefore, we do not support or condone, and will not aid or abet, the Israeli government's policy toward Palestine and the war on Gaza.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Grand Rapids:

  1. Terminates its current contract with Granicus by January 1, 2025;

  2. Ceases funding to Downtown Grand Rapids Inc. if it continues to utilize AmazonAW3 technology for its committees (Amazon's services include cloud and AI support for the Israeli military targeting Palestinians) by January 1, 2025;

  3. Commits to refraining from entering into financial contracts with Caterpillar, Motorola Solutions, Hewlett-Packard, and G4S Corporation, until the Israeli government's policies and treatment of Palestinians have been reformed and dismantled.

Letter Campaign by
Jeff Smith
Grand Rapids, Michigan