Pardon USMC Iraq Disabled Vet Jose Roberto Segovia Benitez
Help Us Tell Gov. Newsom to Grant Iraq USMC Combat Veteran Jose Roberto Segovia Benitez A State Pardon!
Jose grew up in Long Beach, CA after arriving here from El Salvador at age two.
After graduating from high school, he joined the US Marine Corps. While on
combat duty in Iraq, he was hit with an IED, (improvised explosive device), and
suffers from a traumatic brain injury. He had several run-ins with the law and was
under VA care. But instead of getting a Purple Heart, like he deserved, he was
deported to El Salvador. His family and friends spent years struggling to get Jose
home, and he is now on a temporary medical visa but still risks being deported
again. Please help us stop this injustice and sign on to a letter to Governor
Newsom. Gov. Newsom can grant him a pardon so that he can continue his
healing and remain here with his loving family.
He was willing to lay down his life for our country- and now it’s time for us to
stand up for him.
Your signature will automatically send a letter below to Governor Newsom: