Pass Gun Legislation to Save Lives

Assault weapons are increasingly used to perpetrate mass shootings. They are seven times more likely to kill, compared to other firearms, and when assault weapons are used in a mass shooting, six times as many people are shot. The weapons are designed to be fired more easily, accurately, and rapidly than typical hunting rifles. If we want to improve public safety, we must take steps to ban the sale of these dangerous assault weapons. HB 1240 would prohibit the sale, manufacture, and import of assault weapons in Washington State while allowing reasonable exemptions for manufacture and sale to law enforcement and the military. The legislation does not prohibit the possession of assault weapons.

Another bill that would reduce gun deaths and impulsive acts of violence is HB 1143. Sen. Salomon asserted, “There is no one bill that will solve this crisis, but preventing impulse buys by would-be killers, ensuring sufficient time to complete background checks, and requiring safety training to help reduce accidents and suicides are strong steps forward that will save lives.” HB 1143 establishes requirements for the application, issuance, and revocation of a permit to purchase a gun. To complete the application, the would-be buyer must be fingerprinted by local law enforcement as part of an enhanced background check and show a certificate from a certified gun-safety training course.

Take action today to help these life-saving gun responsibility bills pass through the House by the March 8 cutoff, and let your Senator know of your support for the bills too! Write to your legislators, using the template linked here, to let them know you’d like to see them vote in favor of the bills.

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