Pass Spokane Tenant Protections

Dear Tenants Union Tenants and Members,

Please sign on to this letter. The City of Spokane is voting on an ordinance on Monday, April 29 that will extend the notice periods for rent increases to 180 days (six months) and 120 days (four months) for increases that are 3% and below. Current state requires landlords to provide only 60 days written notice for rent increases. This short notice period creates hardships on Spokane tenants who often are forced to move even when there is nowhere to move to because the rent increases are too high.

Please sign on to this Action Alert letter that will be sent to all members of the Spokane City Council, Council President Betsy Wilkerson and Mayor Lisa Brown. This letter urges them to vote yes and to enact Ordinance C36515.

Thank you for supporting Spokane renters who currently experience 40% more evictions that prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Thank you.

In Solidarity,

Tenants Union of Washington

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