Pass the Fair Wage Act of 2023
We must pass the Fair Wage Act of 2023 - your legislators need to hear from you!
Raising the minimum wage is good for workers, businesses and the economy. Many Maryland residents work full-time yet struggle to get by financially — they work hard but can’t afford basic needs for themselves or their families.
Increasing Maryland’s minimum wage would make a significant difference to close to 217,000 workers who would see greater economic security — they would not have to decide between paying rent, affording health care or putting food on the table. Paying fair wages helps big and small businesses attract and retain good employees, increase sales and revenues, and hire more people.
A family-sustaining minimum wage would strengthen the state’s economy. It will boost businesses through increased spending: Higher wages create economic activity as families spend more on food, clothing and other needs.
Tell your legislators they need to pass the Fair Wage Act of 2023.