Pass the HOMES Act!


Last week, the Senate passed the HOMES Act as part of its economic development bill.

The Senate and House are right now working on reconciling the differences between the House and Senate bills.

The House did not include this essential tenant protection in their bill, and it's vital that the HOMES Act remains in the final bill.

Contact your State Rep & State Senator to underscore the importance of passing the HOMES Act this session!

About the HOMES Act

On average 40,000 people faced eviction each year before the pandemic. The numbers of evictions are starting to climb again. Having an eviction record is impacting people’s ability to find housing. Having an
eviction record affects all tenants regardless of age, race, sex, income, or ability. People of color and women are disproportionately impacted by evictions.

The HOMES Act language will protect many tenants from being unfairly marked with an eviction record and would establish a fair process for tenants to petition the court on a case-by-case basis. Read more here.

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