Pass the Illinois BREATHE Act now - we need real public safety, not the same failing tactics!

Use this tool to write your legislator now. We have a once in a lifetime chance to pass the BREATHE Act - a modern-day Civil Rights Act to radically reimagine public safety and community care to defend Black lives. This historic legislation is in front of the Illinois legislature right now - add your name to help us pass it.
crucial legislation would change the criminal legal system, drive
police accountability, and fund programs to reduce violence. What felt
impossible just a few months ago is being accomplished now; what seems
impossible today is doable tomorrow, and we will be the ones to make it
But, the leadership of the Illinois Legislature is only talking about watered-down reforms that we know don't give us the change we need.
Make your voice heard - write your legislator using the tool on the right. It only takes 2 minutes. We cannot let this historic moment go to waste. Sign now to demand that the Illinois Legislature adopt the BREATHE act.