Penn: Stop Violating the RA Union Contract!

In early June, Penn Graduate and Undergraduate Resident Advisors voted unanimously to ratify our first ever union contract. This contract included many victories such as increased compensation, more protections, and more voice.

Now the contract is in effect, Penn administrators have decided to break our contract by overstepping their managerial powers. Penn is seeking to limit (G)RAs’ ability to work other campus jobs. On August 5, several (G)RAs received an email stating that their (G)RA job has been processed in Workday and that the system has flagged them for having additional position(s). It creates a serious issue for the students because University guidelines do not allow more than 20 work-hours a week. On top of this, some House Directors are enforcing the 20-hour limit by asking (G)RAs to limit their employment positions on campus. Several panicked students have left their jobs as a result. Tracking the (G)RA work hours in Workday was neither discussed nor included in our contract. This protection was something we fought hard for to protect our right to have multiple jobs on campus.

The changes Penn has made are drastically different from previous semesters. (G)RA hours have never been tracked by CHAS or Penn. Our job description and contract explicitly states that: “Hours are not calculated or kept track of as it is known that the efforts of community and relationship building can not be calculated.” (G)RAs have historically held other part-time campus jobs. The new change makes it impossible since the Workday system will now flag extra hours. Penn has the option of not processing (G)RA job in Workday. The research and teaching labor of graduate student workers at Penn is similarly protected by Penn.

It is clear, Penn is acting vindictively in order to undermine our union and its significant accomplishments.

We are taking action to defend our rights. On Monday, August 12, we filed an Unfair Labor Practice Charge with the National Labor Relations Board for unilateral changes to working conditions by processing (G)RA job in Workday and tracking work hours. For each (G)RA affected, we are filing a class action grievance and are prepared to go through the grievance and arbitration process.

We are also asking members and supporters to send a letter to Penn with the below demands!

We demand Penn:

  • Respect our contract - stop unilaterally changing our agreement!

  • Cease and desist tracking of (G)RA hours in Workday!

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