Pennsylvanians want paid family medical leave!

If, like most Pennsylvanians, you support a paid family medical leave program in Pennsylvania, then it is time to speak up!

The Pennsylvania House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on the Family Care Act on Wednesday, December 13. Please send an email to your Representative urging them to vote YES on the Family Care Act!

The Family Care Act recognizes things we already know to be true: family takes care of family and people need the flexibility to focus on their health. By establishing a paid family medical leave program in Pennsylvania, the Family Care Act will allow:

  • Family members to provide critical care for elderly or disabled loved ones

  • Parents to be there for their children following birth/adoption/foster placement or care for their child during an illness

  • Small businesses to give their employees a level of flexibility when they are not able to provide paid time off or health insurance.

Thank you!

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