PGH Free Leonard Peltier

The Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela, Bishop Desmond Tutu, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Coretta Scott King, Harry Belafonte, Pete Seeger, the National Congress of American Indians, Amnesty International, a working group of the U.N. Human Rights Council, Pope Francis and hundreds of thousands of activists like you have called for the release of 78-year-old political prisoner Leonard Peltier of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians.
AIM activist Leonard Peltier was wrongfully convicted in 1977 because of FBI misconduct during a trial for the shooting deaths of two FBI agents and has served 46 years in federal prison despite proof that he was convicted on the basis of fabricated and suppressed evidence, as well as coerced testimony. We recognize that the U.S. Justice system and prison-industrial-complex is a tool rooted in white supremacy, colonialism and capitalism and Leonard's struggle is indicative of the ongoing war that the U.S. perpetrates upon the Indigenous Peoples of Turtle Island.
After a highly successful Day of Action in February, this is an opportunity to show Pittsburgh's solidarity with the movement to Free Leonard Peltier by urging our local members of U.S. Congress to increase the current pressure on President Biden to grant clemency and release Peltier.
NOW IS THE TIME FOR ACTION and the time to share with family and friends the story of the unjust imprisonment of Leonard Peltier as just one example of the continued persecution of the Original People of this land. Please use this form to send a letter and encourage others to do the same.
You can also sign the petition at or find more information and ways to take action here.
We are Pittsburgh organizers and this letter writing campaign is in solidarity with but not affiliated with AIM,, or any other movement or organization.
Thank you.