Port Authority: Increase PATH Service Frequency & Network Expansion!

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Thank you to the 2000+ people who have written the Port Authority so far! Our campaign isn't over - we are targeting 10,000 signatures in 2025 to make our voice heard in the upcoming New Jersey elections, and will continue to advocate for improvements to the PATH until they are approved, funded, and made permanent.

The PATH system is a critical transportation link for commuters, residents, and visitors in New York & New Jersey. While it provides essential service, there is room for improvement to benefit riders and the economic vitality of the entire region.

We call for More Frequent Service Off-Peak. The PATH runs as infrequently as every 20 minutes on weekends, weeknights and even midday on weekdays, even though ridership has returned to pre-pandemic levels. For riders, this leads to dangerous overcrowding on trains and platforms, unacceptable delays and missed connections. The PATH can run trains every 2 minutes in rush hour; we ask for a train every 5 minutes off-peak. More frequent trains will help everyone who works non-traditional hours, sees friends and family, and attends events, restaurants and businesses in the region.

We also ask to:
- Extend the PATH to Newark Airport for a fast, affordable and direct ride for travelers & airport workers
- Deliver reliable transit alternatives for NYC's congestion pricing

We need transformative changes to create a modern transit system for all residents, workers and visitors, and grow our region’s economy.

Take Action today! Submit
a letter using our pre-written letter writing system. It's easy and takes 1 minute.
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