President Biden: Declare a Climate Emergency!
Send a quick message telling President Biden we need him to declare a climate emergency – then spread the word!
Following encouragement from so many of us, last month President Biden took the executive step of using the Defense Production Act to spur domestic clean energy manufacturing. In recent days, after it became clear Congress cannot pass the needed legislation, Biden pledged to take further executive action to tackle the climate crisis.
One of the biggest steps the President can take is to declare a climate emergency – something he is reportedly now considering. President Biden can sign an executive order declaring a climate emergency under the National Emergencies Act, and follow up with strong executive action on climate.
Now Is The Moment for every one of us to push hard for Biden to use his full executive authority to take on the climate crisis.
Tell President Biden: Declare a Climate Emergency!
With the stroke of a pen, Biden can launch an array of actions to protect communities from the climate emergency, keep fossil fuels in the ground, and speed a just transition to renewables.
It’s important for these emergency powers to be used wisely – with respect for our water, land and Indigenous treaty rights. The fossil fuel economy was built on disrespect for the planet and people. To work, the transition to a new clean energy economy needs to be different; that means listening to the people most affected by the climate crisis and prioritizing sustainable solutions (like battery recycling and cleaner technologies) above mining sensitive areas.
We are closer than ever before to a #ClimateEmergency declaration and ramping up executive actions to tackle the climate crisis. Let’s go!