Tell the City Council we need to prevent bicyclist deaths before they happen, both in and out of intersections

In june, two people were tragically killed in two separates incidents, hit by trucks while biking through intersections in Cambridge. We extend our heartfelt condolences to their family and friends.

Unfortunately, dangerous situations occur on our streets every day. During the same period, two people biking were injured when they were hit by somebody opening a car door into the bike lane ("doorings") on Cambridge St and Broadway. One was taken away by ambulance, the other made it to the doctor on their own. Multiple people in Cambridge and Somerville have previously died from doorings, and in this case one of the victims described being flung in front of moving cars.

Crashes are not accidents: they are preventable

Doorings are preventable by building separated bike lanes, and the City was planning to do so on both Cambridge St and Broadway—but a bare majority of the City Council voted to delay major portions of these projects by up to two years, until 2027.

Similarly, the severity and frequency of crashes in intersections can be improved with safer infrastructure—for example, the Massachussetts Department of Transportation has guidelines for creating protected intersections. These proven safety interventions should be systematically implemented across the city at known dangerous intersections, as well as whenever a serious injury or death occurs. The delays on Broadway and Cambridge St will also delay necessary intersection safety improvements.

We know the solutions, we just need to make sure they are implemented. Please write to the City Council to tell them to take action.

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