Pro-Homes Bills at the State Legislature Need Your Support!

Comprehensive Plan Clarity (SF4183) will be heard in the Senate State and Local Government Committee on Tuesday, March 26th at 11am.

This bill gives cities the ability to plan for population growth without fear of being subject to claims of environmental harm. Individual projects in cities across Minnesota will still be subject to the same environmental reviews as they are now.

Plan to attend this hearing to show your support! RSVP here. Passing these bills is crucial for cities to be able to plan for future growth. Without these changes, cities will be subject to claims of environmental harm.

Missing Middle Bills (HF4009/HF4010/SF1370) Still Need Your Support!

These bills will make it possible to build more homes in more places by allowing for more density across the state. In order to pass the State Legislature they need to be heard by State and Local Government committees in both the house and senate.

Actions you can take to support today:

  • Call your state senator and representative to share your support. Find their contact information here

  • Send an email to key committee members using this ActionNetwork page

  • Share this page with friends and family and on social media