Protect homeonwers ask your legislator to Vote NO on SB 106

Homebuilders & developers have introduced a bill to strip homeowners of the few rights they have when faced with serious construction problems in their new home. Tell your legislators to vote NO on SB 106 and stand up for homeowners, especially entry-level home buyers and retirees on a fixed income.

Colorado’s extremely weak homeowner protections include one of the shortest time frames in the country to take legal action, restrictions that make it almost impossible for homeowners to recoup the full cost of repairs, and no legal requirement that builders carry construction insurance. Developers have legal incentives to drag their feet and run out the clock so homeowners can’t hold them legally responsible.

SB 106 harms homeowners:

  • Gives the builder who produced the poorly constructed home an absolute right to force unwanted repairs – even band-aid fixes that would just cover up the real problem – and would prevent homeowners from pursuing a claim on the underlying defect after such a repair.

  • Requires that claims dealing with life, health and safety problems be “imminent” – so faulty fire systems wouldn’t be a problem unless there was an active fire spreading in the building.

  • Prevents homeowners from joining together for legal action; they would have to file claims individually, which is much more expensive and difficult.

  • Burdens HOAs with an impossibly high voting threshold for legal action, increasing it from one-half of homeowners to two-thirds, essentially requiring a door-to-door canvassing campaign.

We need your voice to protect homeowner rights – ask your elected officials to stand up for homeowners and vote NO on SB 106.