Protect Louisiana Library Funding - Save IMLS!
Protecting federal funding for libraries is essential for ensuring access to information, educational resources, and community support for all citizens, regardless of their socioeconomic status. Louisiana libraries play a crucial role in promoting literacy, bridging the digital divide, and providing free access to books, technology, and other important services across our state. President Trump's recent executive order against the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) threatens the nearly $3 million in federal funding that Louisiana libraries receive each year, jeopardizing vital programs for children, seniors, and underserved communities. These funds are not just a financial lifeline—they are an invaluable resource that enables libraries to serve as centers of learning, culture, and connection. Without this funding, the quality and reach of library services across Louisiana would be severely diminished.
Louisiana residents must stand together to oppose this unprecedented attack on our libraries. We urge our fellow Louisiana citizens to contact our congressmen and demand they protect the funding provided by the IMLS, which benefits so many in our state. The proposed cuts would undermine years of progress and prevent libraries from continuing to foster a free and open exchange of ideas. Now, more than ever, it is important for us to unite in defense of our libraries and ensure they remain strong, accessible, and independent. We must let our leaders know that Louisiana stands firmly for the continued growth and success of our libraries!