Protect Student Borrowers and Guarantee Health Insurance for Adjuncts Now!

ENTER YOUR ADDRESS AND CLICK THE "START WRITING" BUTTON (to your right on a computer, above this paragraph on mobile) TO SEND YOUR LETTER TO YOUR LAWMAKERS! While an email is a good start, click here to find your local lawmakers and make a follow-up call!

We need the State House and State Senate to pass legislation to support student borrowers and give adjunct faculty access to health care. SD.2931 was filed by Senator Anne Gobi, the chair of the Higher Education Committee. The bill would protect borrowers who get loans through the Massachusetts Education Financing Authority (MEFA) and make sure that adjunct faculty at our public colleges and universities have access to health insurance.

Please email and call your State Rep and State Senator and ask them to co-sponsor and call for a vote on SD.2931! Use this tool for emails, and click here to find your local lawmakers and make a follow-up call!