Protect Vermont's White Rocks National Recreation Area and other public wildlands!
The Green Mountain National Forest is suffering from death by a thousand cuts, and little appears to be too sacred for the saw. It's time to speak up in defense of beloved Vermont wildlands like the White Rocks National Recreation Area! Please take action by Friday April 8th and tell GMNF leaders to stay out of inventoried roadless areas and the White Rocks NRA.
The Green Mountain National Forest has reopened its analysis of the Early Successional Habitat Creation Project, which targets 15,000 acres for clearcuts (or similar) over a 15 year period in one of the single largest logging proposals in recent history on Vermont's only National Forest (and one of only two National Forests in New England). Although the project was signed in 2019, it has come under intense scrutiny and been subject to additional analysis because of the amount of road building proposed to facilitate logging (originally, 75 miles of roads were proposed!). Logging is proposed within eight different roadless areas and the White Rocks National Recreation Area, which was designated by Congress in 1984 “in order to preserve and protect [its] existing wilderness and wild values and to promote wild forest and aquatic habitat."
The GMNF needs to hear from you by Friday. Take action today in defense of our public forests!