RE: Request to Investigate Judge Genece E. Brinkley
A Pennsylvania Judge has shown gross misconduct in sentencing Meek Mill to 2-4 years in state prison, against the advice of both the Assistant District Attorney and Meek's probation officer. Judge Genece E. Brinkley's actions show an astonishing lack of impartiality, including denying her office received emails that in fact she replied to, and using the power of her bench to push Meek to remake a Boyz II Men song dedicated to her.
Meek's case is unique, and yet is like so many other black and brown men who are unjustly incarcerated despite having made changes and creating a positive impact on the lives of others. Please join us in asking Pennsylvania's Governor Tom Wolfe to investigate Judge Brinkley for misconduct and release Meek Mill from custody.
#Justice4Meek #FreeMeekMill