Recognize LGBTQ+ History Month in Miami-Dade Schools

In 2021, Miami-Dade County Public Schools (MDCPS) recognized October as LGBTQ History Month for the first time within our schools. Soon, district leaders will decide if MDCPS will once again honor and recognize LGBTQ History in the Month of October. In light of the harmful anti-LGBTQ laws passed this year, it is abundantly clear that MDCPS must remain steadfast in supporting and affirming all students. The recognition of LGBTQ History Month promotes education about the historical impacts, achievements, and contributions of our lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community.
We must let the school board know that:
- LGBTQ-inclusive history education benefits all students.
- Erasing LGBTQ history silences our students and their families.
- Miami Dade County Public Schools must foster an inclusive, safe, and premier academic experience for all.
- We urge the School Board of Miami-Dade to incorporate the landmark Supreme Court cases of Obergefell v. Hodges (2015) and Bostock v. Clayton County (2020) into the 12th-grade social studies curriculum.
LGBT history is American history, and recognizing the impact of the LGBTQ+ community and individuals on broader society is the only way that we can truly paint a full picture of that history and the shoulders we stand on today.
The Miami-Dade School Board is meeting on Wednesday, September 7th to vote on whether or not the history of our community is important enough to be taught in schools. It's time for us to show them that it is. Please add your School District in the "Reason for Signing" section at the bottom - find yours here.