Tell Blue Bottle: Reinstate Remy!

On September 11, vocal union supporter and Blue Bottle barista Remy Roskin was unfairly fired from Blue Bottle for punching into work early from her phone. Remy has been a vocal supporter of unionizing at Blue Bottle since we went public on April 3 -- she read our initial request for recognition to management, picketed for BBIU multiple times, and appeared in a high-profile interview. Despite having worked at Blue Bottle for over two years with no prior discipline or write ups, Remy was fired without even so much as a final warning! While it might not have been wise for Remy to clock in with her phone, at Blue Bottle union supporters have previously been written up for being simply one minute late to clocking in. Given Blue Bottle’s draconian enforcement of their time and attendance policy toward union supporters, it makes sense that Remy might feel inclined to clock in with her phone. Remy is an outstanding barista, union organizer, and musician! Blue Bottle is a better workplace with her there.

Even more egregious, Blue Bottle DID NOT PAY Remy her final paycheck the day of her termination, instead saying “We’ll do it tomorrow.” Massachusetts law disagrees. MGL c. 149, section 148 clearly states that employers must pay discharged employees for their final shift the day that they’re discharged. Not the next day or whenever they feel like it. So not only did Blue Bottle fire an outspoken union supporter, they potentially did so in violation of Massachusetts law!

For these reasons we’re asking you to please tell Blue Bottle REINSTATE REMY and to STOP UNION BUSTING!

The petition below will be sent to Shanda Naylor, the Area Leader for all Massachusetts stores, and Rami Nehme, Blue Bottle's East Coast Regional Director. Shanda and Rami both havethe power to reinstate Remy and to show Blue Bottle employees and customers that Blue Bottle respects its unionized workers!