Reparations for Black Students Resolution

Black students have a right to feel safe, achieve academically and thrive in Oakland

There is not one Black family in OUSD that hasn’t experienced the pain of anti-Black racism in our schools (such as bias, criminalization, low expectations, school closures, and push-out) - AND had to name specific solutions for their children to be... protected from harm and supported to thrive. Now is the time to look at the solutions from the Black community and invest in the remaining Black students - so that every child can learn and achieve.

Over the past two decades, OUSD has closed 16 majority Black schools, forcing more than 18,000 Black students out of the district. In partnership with Black leaders calling for a greater investment in the Black community in Oakland and building off the Black Organizing Project’s recent win removing police from schools - we demand that OUSD create a multi-million dollar reparations fund and begin to invest in Black students and families so all Black students succeed!

The reparations fund must be used to create anti-racist school cultures and ensure every Black student feels safe and supported, their identity is affirmed, they have the resources needed to succeed academically, their families feel respected and engaged, and they have Black teachers and school staff. Join our Black-led coalition of parents, youth, and educators in supporting the Reparations for Black Students Resolution and Fund to the Oakland Unified School Board.

I support the Reparations for Black Students Resolution and demand the School Board:

  1. Unanimously Pass the Reparations for Black Students Resolution by February 28, 2021! For a full list of demands go here:
  2. Work in partnership with the City, County and private philanthropy to Identify and secure the millions in annual resources necessary to implement the Reparations for Black Students Resolution by June 30, 2021
  3. Support a community driven implementation and monitoring plan that is included in the OUSD Strategic Plan by June 30, 2021

Please join us in this effort by:

  1. Signing this Reparations support letter
  2. Sharing this link with the hashtags:
    #ReparationsForBlackStudents #BlackNewDeal #BlackSanctuary #ImplementBOP'sPeople'sPlan

Please fill out your information to the right and click "Start Writing". Then you will see an editable letter that will be sent to all members of the Oakland School Board. Edit your letter and click "Send Letter"