Replace NAFTA - End the Corporate Power Grab

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has meant job loss, the degradation of local economies in all three member countries — the U.S., Canada and Mexico — and increased power for multinational corporations. And there are no indications from the Trump Administration that a new NAFTA will mean anything better than that.
Join us in demanding a better deal for working people. Send a letter to your members of Congress now.
Progressive organizations representing millions of members have come together in one voice to demand the elimination of the anti-democratic Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) rules that let corporations sue governments — before a panel of corporate lawyers — for unlimited compensation, if they think labor, environmental or other regulations have damaged their bottom line. Taxpayers from the three NAFTA countries have already paid hundreds of millions of dollars to corporations following attacks on toxic bans, environmental and public health policies, and more.
There is one clear litmus test to judge whether NAFTA or any other agreement has been hijacked by special interests to expand corporate power: Does the deal include ISDS? ISDS must be removed from any NAFTA renegotiation and should not be included in any future agreement.
Take action now to ask your members of Congress to oppose any NAFTA renegotiation — or any other agreement — that includes ISDS.