Fully Fund Our Schools!

The Newton Teachers Association is sharing this message and email campaign from the Newton Parent Educator Collaborative. The NTA hopes that using this service makes it easy for members of the Newton School Community to have their voices heard.

This is a moment to celebrate!! The City Council met on May 23 to deliberate on the FY23 Budget. The meeting began with this resolution made by City Council Chair Susan Albright:

We offer the following resolution. As ARPA funding was specifically created to fill the gaps and meet the needs created by COVID-19 in school districts and cities and towns, we ask that an additional 1.4 million dollars be restored to the FY23 School Committee budget specifically aimed at Middle and High School students. We understand that the School Committee is grateful that half of their $4million budget gap was restored, but we feel that gratefulness will not provide the services that our students need.

Many Councilors spoke passionately about their belief that this funding is needed right now in order to address the growing mental health emergency among teens in our community. Several Councilors spoke directly to the Mayor in their comments, stating that this budget does not reflect her stated values that “education is our #1 priority in Newton.” One Councilor asserted that the Mayor is spending ARPA money on things that are quite frivolous in the face of the urgent needs faced by our students.

At the end of the discussion, the Councilors voted on the resolution. 22 were in favor, one was absent, one abstained.

Please stop what you are doing RIGHT NOW and use this form to send an email to the Mayor, City Council, and School Committee. Thank the City Councilors for their dedication to our children, and ask the Mayor in the strongest possible terms to use ARPA money to restore $1.4million to the school budget.

Our advocacy has brought us tremendously close to the finish line. Together, we can do this!