Save Black Lives Memorial Garden

The Black Lives Memorial Garden is a dedicated memorial space to honor the countless Black and Indigenous people murdered by law enforcement in WA state and beyond. The garden has been a source of joy and healing for many members of the Capitol Hill community for over three and a half years, and it symbolizes a deep connection to this city's legacy of occupation protests led by poor and working-class queer people of color.

The garden has grown countless pounds of produce and herbal medicine, and is home to many native plants that are vital for the regeneration of local ecosystems. It has expanded beyond its symbolic representation of resistance to become an active community hub for mutual aid networks, food distribution, and education.

However, Seattle Parks is actively trying to destroy the garden. This action would erase both a vital community space and an ecological asset. Join us in telling Parks and Rec that the community will not stand by and let the garden be demolished. Instead, we ask Parks to hold space for a community-led discussion about the future of the garden.

Visit our website to learn more.

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