Save Kid Safe JFK from Museum Lobbyists

Kids playing safely on JFK without cars

Kid Safe JFK is in danger, and we need your help to save it. Write a letter to the de Young now to hold them accountable and show your support for keeping JFK open to people!

Last week, the Corporation of the Fine Arts Museums, otherwise known as the company that operates the de Young Museum, launched a new campaign demanding the city put cars back on the entirety of JFK.

It’s not the first time this has happened. The Museum’s trustees have been lobbying city politicians for over 40 years to prevent San Franciscans from enjoying a JFK without cars.

If the de Young wins, they will rob San Franciscans — again — of this unique space where young and old alike can walk, roll, and enjoy the park safely, together. They would have us return JFK to the city's list of high-injury corridors, the 13% of streets responsible for over 75% of injuries and deaths.

If the museum were operating in good faith, they would recognize the readily available and already-implemented solutions for ADA access:

  • Better management of the Museum Concourse Garage
  • New ADA parking throughout the east end of Golden Gate Park
  • A revamped park shuttle

Enough is enough. We can't let them get away with another backroom deal this time.

Write to the de Young’s leadership and your Supervisor, letting them know that San Franciscans won’t tolerate yet another backroom deal on the JFK Promenade.

Our families deserve better.

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