Save Medicaid Expansion

If you thought Medicaid Expansion was a settled issue after the Missouri Supreme Court unanimously declared it the law of the land - think again.

The Missouri House of Representatives is considering HJR 117 (Smith - R, Carthage), a bill which would effectively repeal the voters’ decision to expand Medicaid.

If the General Assembly passes HJR 117, it will place a measure on the ballot for voters to consider, full of misleading language meant to convince the electorate that a ‘yes’ vote would limit Missouri Medicaid benefits to Missourians.

In reality, HJR 117 would allow the legislature to determine whether or not to fund expanded Medicaid and place work reporting requirements on those in the expansion population. These busy work requirements are notorious for creating bureaucratic barriers and causing Medicaid recipients to lose their health care. When Arkansas tried implementing work reporting requirements along with Medicaid Expansion, more than 18,000 people lost their health care and the failed effort cost the state billions of dollars.

Missouri voters have spoken. The Missouri Supreme Court has spoken. We want expanded Medicaid, and we don’t want the legislature playing games with our health care.

Please email your representative and urge them to vote NO on HJR 117.