Add your voice to calls to stop the axe of services from Morpeth and to increase them in Pegswood by contacting the train companies Chief Executives - Less than a week to go!

A consultation is currently underway on the East Coast Main Line with a view to cutting the journey time between London and Edinburgh. The saving of 15 minutes comes at great cost to local rail services up and down the country.
The recently refurbished Morpeth station is set to lose 21 of it current 75 daily services whilst Pegswood remains with only one northbound and one southbound service a day. The South East Northumberland Rail Users Group (SENRUG) have said changes to timetables will make “our national, regional and local journeys more difficult” and that “the consultation supposes the only place we want to travel is London”.
Consultation Documents Can be viewed at Northern, LNER, Cross Country, Transpennine Express
Have your say on the consultation by writing to the Chief Executives of the four rail companies currently operating at Morpeth and Pegswood Stations.