Save the "Dabbler" forest: Spotted Owl habitat in Clark County!

Take 1 minute to send a pre-written email to the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) urging them to save the "Dabbler" forest from clearcut logging. The deadline for public comments is Tuesday August 13th at 4pm!

We need your help to protect Clark County's mature forests! The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is trying to log the “Dabbler” timber sale, comprising 156 acres of mature forest in Clark County near Mt St. Helens. This timber sale, scheduled for auction in October, contains steep and potentially unstable slopes, streams, and remnants of old forest that have never been clear-cut.

Moreover, the site overlaps with Northern Spotted Owl (NSO) habitat, which DNR claims to conserve under their Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP). The Dabbler Sale demonstrates how areas supposedly set aside for long-term deferrals and wildlife conservation, like NSO habitats, are still vulnerable to logging.

This forest has naturally regenerated from a fire in the early 1900s and is some of the only primary forest remaining in Clark County. Join us in opposing the Dabbler Sale to protect our forests and wildlife and to ensure these areas remain conserved for future generations.

DNR is accepting public comments for this sale until August 13th at 4pm. Click the "Start Writing" button to send a pre written comment.

View the DNR's environmental assessment on Dabbler here.

Map showing overlap with Northern Spotted Owl (NSO) Habitat & Nesting Areas:

Map showing location of timber sale: