Say "No!" to I-495 and I-270 Toll Lanes

Now is the time to speak up. The Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) is soliciting comments on the Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for its $11 billion public-private partnership (P3) to widen I-495 and I-270 for privatized toll lanes. The deadline is November 9.
This project promises
- $50 tolls on I-270
- More traffic on local roads
- A billion dollar hike in water bills
- Disruption to our communities
- And even greater risk to taxpayers than the failed Purple Line P3.
Show your opposition to the I-495 and I-270 project by writing an email to these public officials stating that you support the "no-build option.
Letter campaign by Don't Widen 270, Citizens Against Beltway Expansion, Maryland Transit Opportunities Coalition, and In the Public Interest.