SB 245 is Policy Violence - Say No!
Over 300,000 of our neighbors are at risk of losing their healthcare coverage with the upcoming Medicaid cutoffs, yet a bill that would make it even more difficult to access these life-saving benefits is currently passing through our state legislature.
This bill would hugely alter the process of re-enrollment for BadgerCare by:- requiring individuals to requalify every 6 months rather than every year
- cutting automatic re-enrollment
- prohibiting prefilled forms
- fining and/or barring people from being eligible for 6 months if they miss a reporting deadline for any reason
- creating a data sharing agreement with any source that maintains financial and personal information about residents of Wisconsin
Use this letter campaign to write to your Senator and encourage them to OPPOSE SB 245.
We must stop this punitive, violent policy. FIGHT POVERTY, NOT THE POOR!