Shut Down Fermi 2 and Help Usher in a Just Energy Future for All

Save Our Water - Save Our Health - Shut Down Fermi 2 - NO NEW NUKES

Nuclear energy is not a safe or clean energy option. Fermi 2 is a faulty and dangerous Nuclear Reactor that sits on the shore of Lake Erie and puts our health and our Great Lakes (20% of the world’s freshwater) at serious risk. It is the same reactor design and model that had a major meltdown in Fukushima, Japan.

The Fermi 2 Nuclear Reactor:
• Discharges 45 million gallons of wastewater into Lake Erie daily!
• Dramatically increases cancer rates in the surrounding population
• Charges taxpayers to store waste that will take thousands of years to become safe

Millions of people in Southeast Michigan, Northern Ohio, and Southern Ontario live in the 50-mile radius evacuation zone for Fermi 2.  These issues directly affect us, our families, our communites, and our earth.

Please write to our Michigan Senators and tell them that these issues matter to us -- we must shut down Fermi 2, and ensure a safe future for our communities!

Brought to you by CRAFT - Citizens Resistance at Fermi Two
An Indigenous-led Water Protecting Grassroots Organization
Ushering in an accessible, fair, and just energy future for all.

Letter Campaign by
Zev Greenwood
Ypsilanti, Michigan