SIGN NOW: I'm a student, and I support student voices in racial justice and equity issues!

Currently, Oregon does not maintain a student or youth majority-led advisory body advising policy-making related directly to their experiences. The Oregon Department of Education, Oregon Health Authority, and Youth Development Division have all committed to elevating racial equity and justice issues that affect the experiences of Oregon’s youth and students, including but not limited to BIPOC, LGBTQ2SIA+, emerging bilingual, and/or youth or students with disabilities.

SB-421 would develop a statewide student collaborative that gives these underrepresented students a seat at the table. The goals of this collaborative would be to support diverse youth leaders in the policy-making process at the state level and work to ensure that youth — particularly youth who have been historically, and currently underrepresented or underserved — are meaningfully involved in the creation and implementation of the policies and practices that impact their lives.

You will see the draft letter when you click the "Start Writing" button after entering your contact information on the right. Please edit as you see fit to personalize your letter with your own perspectives and experience. Thank you for showing your support to your representatives!

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