Stand up against MnDOT's highway expansion plans in North Minneapolis, Brooklyn Center and Brooklyn Park

A photo of Interstate 94 in North Minneapolis
Photo credit: Minnesota Public Radio

The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) recently released proposed project options for its Highway 252/I-94 project in North Minneapolis, Brooklyn Center and Brooklyn Park. MnDOT's proposed options would demolish homes, significantly worsen pollution in communities of color, limit walkability and further separate Brooklyn Center and North Minneapolis from the Mississippi River. The proposed options ignore years of community concerns and prioritizes more car and truck traffic at the expense of the people who live, work and go to school near the highway.

For more context about the proposed project options, click here.

Take Action!

Public comment is now open. Tell MnDOT and project decision makers that adding more highway lanes and pollution in North Minneapolis, Brooklyn Center and Brooklyn Park is unacceptable.

Send an email to call on MnDOT to bring forward new non-highway alternatives that prioritize equity and improve livability in impacted neighborhoods.

This is consistent with the recommendations in MnDOT's own Equity and Health Assessment, which studied the impacts of the proposed project options on equity and environmental justice. The report raised serious concerns about the project alternatives and called for significant changes, including for non-highway options to be studied.

Your email will also be sent to relevant elected officials along the project corridor.

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Minneapolis, MN