Stand up for NOLA!

The Louisiana Legislature is ramping up for a tough legislative session, but the Orleans Delegation has your back. In a session likely marked by regressive changes to income taxes, sales taxes, corporate taxes, and severance taxes, New Orleans’ team is fighting for fairness and opportunity.

It's crucial that our legislators support bills that will help women and fight discrimination, including SB 215 to increase workplace protections for pregnant women and new mothers; HB 322 to improve access to child nutrition; HB 7 to end the pink tax on feminine hygiene products and diapers; and HB 382 and SB 61 to outlaw discrimination related to natural hairstyle and other physical traits historically associated with a particular race or national origin.

They also need to promote economic opportunity and recovery, including SB 173 to support the growing film industry; HB 183 to improve pandemic unemployment claims; SB 7 and SB 49 to raise the minimum wage.

Finally, we cannot allow low level convictions to hold back people who have completed their sentences and are qualified for expungement. HB 604 would make expungement automatic for those who already qualify and give them an opportunity to get back on their feet.

Stay tuned...there are lots of bills we’ll be working to oppose as well! Join the fight to bring fairness and opportunity to the Louisiana Legislature by helping us amplify our message.

Letter Campaign by
Action New Orleans
New Orleans, Louisiana