Call on Congress to Stand with Families!

The deadline to pass a clean DREAM Act is January 19th, 2018. It is URGENT and NECESSARY that Congress pass this act, and also resist any ban on family-based immigration.

Send a quick digital postcard to members of Congress to urge them to 1. pass a clean DREAM Act, 2. prevent any cuts to visas and 3. protect all family reunification systems. (Send our pre-written letter, or feel free to edit and write your own!)

The White House is proposing to:

1. Cut the number of people granted lawful permanent residence (greencards) by over 50%
2. Strip the right of U.S. citizens to sponsor their parents, siblings, and adult children
3. Eliminate the ability of lawful permanent residents to sponsor their unmarried adult children
4. End the diversity visa program
5. Cap refugees at 50,000 a year

Letter Campaign by
Thu Nguyen
Washingon, District of Columbia