Stop Bad Bail Reform

There are two concerning bail reform bills being rushed through Delaware's legislature that have the potential to drastically increase the number of innocent people held in jail before trial.

SS1 for SB 11 is a constitutional amendment greatly expanding the list of offenses for which a person can be detained without bail pretrial. While this was originally intended to move from cash bail to a risk-based system, this reform package retains cash bail and has relatively weak restrictions, potentially having harmful consequences when implemented.

SB 12 expands pretrial detention for a number of charges.

While the idea of moving from cash bail to risk assessment is good, and it’s good that people will have the right to counsel at bail hearings, this bill massively expands the list of offenses innocent people can be held without bail for and preserves cash bail at the court’s discretion.

These bills have already passed the Senate and are being rushed through the House before session ends on June 30th. Email your Representatives now to ask them to stop these bills and consider actual bail reform that will end cash bail and not have the potential to drastically expand the number of innocent people held without bail pretrial.