Stop disciplining pro-Palestine workers at UMich

Since October 2023, the University of Michigan has launched a campaign of repression against community members who take action against the university's complicity in genocide. This campaign of repression has included mobilizing campus police (and Michigan State Police) to violently arrest community members, banning students from campus, giving students disciplinary charges, cancelling student government votes on divestment, and instating new draconian policy changes that give the university blanket authority to use any other repressive tactics they choose. The most recent tactic they are utilizing is threatening to or actually terminating workers' employment at the University. In recent cases, the university has barred student protesters from any future university employment without any form of due process. In many cases, HR unilaterally made this decision without even contacting the student protestors’ supervisors.

Write an email to the staff human resources leaders to demand that they not take further action against other employees and stop engaging in all politically-motivated attempts to repress the pro-Palestine movement.

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