STOP HB 103 - Say NO! to Extremist Overhaul of K-12 Social Studies

STOP HB 103! Say NO to the Extremist Overhaul of Ohio K-12 Social Studies Standards
House Bill 103 would create a government-appointed task force to overhaul Ohio K-12 social studies standards using a hyper-political, extremist curriculum standard strongly rejected by the National and Ohio Council for the Social Studies.
Not only does this extremist standard NOT align with best practices for developing social studies curricula, the National Council for the Social Studies says it will also cause "damaging and lasting effects on the civic knowledge of students and their capacity to engage in civic reasoning and deliberation."
House Bill 103 would:
- Create the Ohio Social Studies Standards Task Force consisting of 9 members appointed by the Governor, Senate President, and Speaker of the House
- Overhaul statewide social studies standards using the rejected American Birthright: The Civics Alliance's Model K-12 Social Studies Standards
- Enforce the new 5-year standards in the 2024-2025 school year
READ an excerpt from the American Birthright: The Civics Alliance's Model K-12 Social Studies Standards that House Bill 103 will force into Ohio classrooms:
Page 25: “Furthermore, we judge that a great many pedagogies actively inhibit student learning, including action civics, so-called “anti-racism,” civic engagement, critical race theory, current events learning, inquiry-based learning, media literacy, project-based learning, social-emotional learning, and virtually any pedagogy that claims to promote “diversity, equity, and inclusion” or “social justice.” The best of these substitute education in skills for education in content and instruct students to “question” when they cannot answer the most elementary factual queries. Many such pedagogies select tendentious, ideologically driven questions that suggest predetermined answers. The worst of these substitute vocational training in progressive activism for classroom instruction (“action civics” or “civic engagement,” better known as “protest civics”) and actively promote disaffection from our country. We strongly recommend avoiding all such pedagogies.”
Ohio social studies must be grounded in current scholarship, reflect best practices in social studies education, and be inclusive of all student backgrounds and ability levels -- NOT House Bill 103.
CONTACT the House Primary and Secondary Education Committee -- Demand they reject HB 103 and attempts to indoctrinate Ohio students with harmful, extremist ideologies!