Stop MRCOG OIL & GAS Ordinance Guidance & InFRACKstructure

Stop Mid-Region Council of Governments (MRCOG) Oil & Gas Ordinance Guidance & InFRACKstructure
It is time for adaptation and transitional policy making. MRCOG has written an industry driven oil and gas ordinance that lacks public transparency.TAKE ACTION NOW
We are in a Climate Crisis! NO Business As Usual! We support a Moratorium on Hydraulic Fracturing
Endorse the letter to MRCOG:
- To stop unsustainable development of roads Needs a new Environmental Impacts Study because multidirectional fracking industry was not being a concern in 2001-2001Nor was Climate Change considered with the science now available.
- To support NO New Fracking Permits by endorsing SB 459
- To Stop the Passage of an Industry Driven Oil and Gas Ordinance.
- Violates the State Water Plan and sets up Produced Water Use Socializing costs as Public funds for private industry through the Water Trust Board and Mortgage Finance Authority
- To Pass a Moratorium on fracking for 5 years so the necessary studies can be done to adapt and transition away from fossil fuel emissions and other impacts.
Petition to MRCOG
MRCOG’s industry driven Oil and Gas Ordinance an example of:
Stonewalling public interests,
Violating due process of stakeholders impacted by the planning of the ordinance guidance.
Rolling over communities for unsustainable development
Building a by-pass to haul contaminated waste that will not stop health impacts
Impacting the health and safety without considering the numerous peer- reviewed studies
TAKE ACTION by endorsing this open letter to MRCOG or supplement by writing your own letter to the Board and planning staff at MRCOG